Represents an annotation in Kotlin. Used for adding meta information for code entities.
Function argument, consists of pair name and value.
If name is
None is considered as positional argument.
Defines Kotlin’s class like entity. This could represent any ‘flavour’ of class: enum, interface, e.t.c.
To change type of class please use
Represents a class like type, such as a class, interface, or enum.
This type can be nullable and can have generic arguments and nullability mark.
Represents a class-like type name.
Plain list of nodes that can be rendered to a Kotlin code.
Represents a ‘normal’, non documentation comment in Kotlin.
Companion object for class
Can contain properties, functions, subclasses and init blocks like class itself.
Describes a generic parameter of a class or function.
Represents a Kotlin documentation comment in KDoc format.
Represents a Kotlin file.
Kotlin identifier name, automatically escaped with backticks if it contains escapable tokens
Fully qualified package name, may be parsed from
&strKotlin’s typealias